![Boussole - icône Bilal Muezzin](
Prayer timetable
Wherever you are Bilal Muezzin freely notifies you the Islamic prayer time thanks to its customizable alarm.
![Boussole - icône Bilal Muezzin](
Don’t miss the spot with Bilal Muezzin’s fluent and precise digital compass to pray towards the right direction
![Trouvez une mosquée - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Find the nearest mosque
Lost in the middle of nowhere without knowing where to pray ? Bilal Muezzin helps you find the nearest mosque with confidence.
![Coran audio - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
audio Qu’ran
A stunning transport ride ? Endless traffic jams ? Turn your time of inaction into a major asset to revise the Noble Qur’an.
![Coran audio - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Feeling a little Peckish? Find the closest Halal restaurant with Bilal Muezzin’s directory.
You have a problem ? Got any questions or just an idea to share with us ? Do not hesitate to send us your thoughts via our feedback tab, even if it's just to give us some love !![Islam titre - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Take advantage of our tab dedicated to specific spiritual preservation verses taught by our Noble Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
![Les cinq piliers - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
THE 5 pillars
Need to refresh your Islamic fundamentals Knowledge ? Bilal Muezzin reviews for you the basics of our beautiful religion !
![Noms d'Allah - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Allah’s NAMEs
« And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them… » (Coran 7:180) Make it easy with Bilal Muezzin !
![Invocations - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
What more powerful than the invocations of the faithful addressed to Allah for his prayers to be answered ? Bilal Muezzin offers you a selection of invocations directly from the Qur’an !
![Prière - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Discover our file specially dedicated to the Hajj and its parameters and thus serenely enjoy this unforgettable experience in the footsteps of our illustrious elders.
![Horaire - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Prayer timetable
Wherever you are Bilal Muezzin freely notifies you the Islamic prayer time thanks to its customizable alarm.
![Boussole - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Don’t miss the spot with Bilal Muezzin’s fluent and precise digital compass to pray towards the right direction
![Trouver une mosquée - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Find the nearest mosque
Lost in the middle of nowhere without knowing where to pray ? Bilal Muezzin helps you find the nearest mosque with confidence.
![Coran audio - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
audio Qu’ran
A stunning transport ride ? Endless traffic jams ? Turn your time of inaction into a major asset to revise the Noble Qur’an.
![Halal - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Feeling a little Peckish? Find the closest Halal restaurant with Bilal Muezzin’s directory.
![Sunna - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Take advantage of our tab dedicated to specific spiritual preservation verses taught by our Noble Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
![Les 5 piliers - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
THE 5 pillarS
Need to refresh your Islamic fundamentals Knowledge? Bilal Muezzin reviews for you the basics of our beautiful religion !
![Les noms d’Allah - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
« And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them… » (Coran 7:180) Make it easy with Bilal Muezzin !
![Duas - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
What is more powerful than the call of the servant to his Lord to hear his requests? Bilal Muezzin offers you a selection of invocations directly from the Qur’an !
![Hage - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Discover our file specially dedicated to the Hajj and its parameters and thus serenely enjoy this unforgettable experience in the footsteps of our illustrious elders.
![Horaire - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Prayer timetable
Wherever you are Bilal Muezzin freely notifies you the Islamic prayer time thanks to its customizable alarm.
![Boussole - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Don’t miss the spot with Bilal Muezzin’s fluent and precise digital compass to pray towards the right direction
![Trouver une mosquée - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Find the nearest mosque
Lost in the middle of nowhere without knowing where to pray ? Bilal Muezzin helps you find the nearest mosque with confidence.
![Coran audio - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
audio Qu’ran
A stunning transport ride ? Endless traffic jams ? Turn your time of inaction into a major asset to revise the Noble Qur’an.
![Halal - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Feeling a little Peckish? Find the closest Halal restaurant with Bilal Muezzin’s directory.
![Sunna - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Take advantage of our tab dedicated to specific spiritual preservation verses taught by our Noble Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
![Les 5 piliers - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
THE 5 pillars
Need to refresh your Islamic fundamentals Knowledge ? Bilal Muezzin reviews for you the basics of our beautiful religion !
![Les noms d’Allah - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
« And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them… » (Coran 7:180) Make it easy with Bilal Muezzin !
![Invocations - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
What is more powerful than the call of the servant to his Lord to hear his requests? Bilal Muezzin offers you a selection of invocations directly from the Qur’an !
![Hage - Icône Bilal Muezzin](
Discover our file specially dedicated to the Hajj and its parameters and thus serenely enjoy this unforgettable experience in the footsteps of our illustrious elders.